Python Machine Learning By Sebastian Raschka 1st Edition


Learn how to build powerful Python machine learning algorithms to generate useful data insights with this data analysis tutorial
Machine learning is transforming the way businesses operate. Being able to understand trends and patterns in complex data is critical to success; it is today one of the key strategies for unlocking growth in a challenging contemporary marketplace. Python can help you deliver key insights into your data – its unique capabilities as a language let you build sophisticated algorithms and statistical models that can reveal new perspectives and answer key questions that are vital for success.
Python Machine Learning gives you access to the world of machine learning and demonstrates why Python is one of the world’s leading data science languages. If you want to ask better questions of data, or need to improve and extend the capabilities of your machine learning systems, this practical data science book is invaluable. Covering a wide range of powerful Python libraries, including scikit-learn, Theano, and Keras, and featuring guidance and tips on everything from sentiment analysis to neural networks, you’ll soon be able to answer some of the most important questions facing you and your organization.

What You Will Learn

Find out how different machine learning can be used to ask different data analysis questions
Learn how to build neural networks using Python libraries and tools such as Keras and Theano
Write clean and elegant Python code to optimize the strength of your machine learning algorithms
Discover how to embed your machine learning model in a web application for increased accessibility
Predict continuous target outcomes using regression analysis
Uncover hidden patterns and structures in data with clustering
Organize data using effective pre-processing techniques
Learn sentiment analysis to delve deeper into textual and social media data

Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN: 1783555130
Posted on: 12/23/2016
Format: Pdf
Page Count: 454 Pages
Author: Sebastian Raschka,: --------------------

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