Operative Approaches in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology 1st Edition


Back by popular demand, Thieme is proud to re-introduce this classic, which has long been a cornerstone text in all orthopedic surgeon's libraries. Brimming with nearly 600 beautifully hand-drawn illustrations, this remarkable text draws on the authors' wide-spanning expertise and clinical experiences. It is also one of the only texts of its kind to focus on the anatomical aspects of surgery, providing focused examinations of complex exposures.
Covering surgeries of the spine, pelvis, lower extremity, shoulder, and upper extremity, the atlas has been organized to demonstrate standard approaches from the skin incision to the particular target organ. Highly structured to streamline research, each section of the body is divided into subsections, with multiple techniques presented for each area. Individual surgical procedures are highlighted by lucid illustrations outlining the relevant anatomy, with meticulous labels pinpointing all important areas and details. The accompanying precise text works in tandem with the images to illuminate all critical aspects of the operation.
Key features:

Grounded in the authoritative insights of world renowned experts
Concentration of detailed anatomy, utilizing exquisite illustrations to outline the procedures
Nearly 600 images placed beside precise text, clarifying difficult concepts and techniques
Explores both anterior and posterior approaches, especially those of the spine
Provides chief indications, hazards, and possible complications to be aware of before you reach the operating table

Thieme is pleased to once again offer you this outstanding reference. Its popularity and success is unparalleled, making it an indispensable text for any orthopedic surgeon. Benefit from the expertise and guidance of this timeless resource, and order today!

Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN: 0865772657
Posted on: 1/22/2017
Format: Pdf
Page Count: 334 Pages
Author: Rudolf Bauer,: Fridun Kerschbaumer,
Sepp Poisel,:

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