TestDriven iOS Development with Swift 3 1st Edition


Test-driven development (TDD) is a proven way to find software bugs early. Writing tests before your code improves the structure and maintainability of your apps. In combination with the improved syntax of Swift 3, there is no excuse or writing bad code.

This book will help you understand the process of TDD and how it impacts yourapps written in Swift. Through a practical, real-world example app, you’ll start seeing how to implement TDD in context. You will begin with an overview of the TDD workflow and then deep dive into unit testing concepts and code cycles. You will also plan and structure your test driven iOS app, and write tests to drive the development of the view controllers and the helper classes. Next, you’ll learn how to write tests for network code, what CI is and how to set it up using Xcode Server.

Finally, the book will guide you through the next steps to become a testing expert by discussing integration tests, Behavior Driven Development (BDD), open source testing frameworks and UI Tests introduced in Xcode 8.

What You Will Learn

Implement TDD in Swift application development
Find bugs before you enter the code using the TDD approach
Use TDD to build models, view controllers, and views
Test network code with asynchronous tests and stubs
Write code that is a joy to read and to maintain
Develop functional tests to ensure the app works as planned
Employ continuous integration to make testing and deployment easier

Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN: 1787129071
Posted on: 11/25/2016
Format: Pdf
Page Count: 246 Pages
Author: Dominik Hauser,: --------------------

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