Android Database Programming 1st Edition


We live in an increasingly data-centric and data-driven world. On top of that we live in a very mobile-centric world with the rise of Android smart phones and tablet devices and the surge in demand for the Android platform. Along with the demand for more data, there is a demand for efficient, "snappy" applications, and so developers need to have a strong understanding of when different data storage methods are appropriate and when they are not. Mastering how to use these two fields to successfully create a powerful application will help you boost your knowledge and skills in this area. "Android Database Programming" is designed to help developers create and design data-centric mobile applications on Google's Android platform. As the world goes increasingly mobile and as consumers' demand for data-centric applications rises, knowing how to combine the two effectively will become an increasingly important asset to have as a developer. The book starts by looking at the various local data storage methods on Android, and finishes off by examining external databases and ways you can utilize them from within an Android application. This book starts by looking at local data storage methods, focusing on writing SQLite databases for your application and also looking at ways to bind these databases to the user interface. The book, through its practical approach, strives to teach you by examples. Each chapter focuses on flushing out high level design concepts, before drilling down into different code examples.


Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN: 1849518122
Posted on: 1/20/2017
Format: Pdf
Page Count: 212 Pages
Author: Jason Wei,:

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