Turings Imitation Game 1st Edition


Can you tell the difference between talking to a human and talking to a machine? Or, is it possible to create a machine which is able to converse like a human? In fact, what is it that even makes us human? Turing's Imitation Game, commonly known as the Turing Test, is fundamental to the science of artificial intelligence. Involving an interrogator conversing with hidden identities, both human and machine, the test strikes at the heart of any questions about the capacity of machines to behave as humans. While this subject area has shifted dramatically in the last few years, this book offers an up-to-date assessment of Turing's Imitation Game, its history, context and implications, all illustrated with practical Turing tests. The contemporary relevance of this topic and the strong emphasis on example transcripts makes this book an ideal companion for undergraduate courses in artificial intelligence, engineering or computer science.

Contains numerous transcripts of 'conversations' between people and the programs designed to emulate them
Readers have the chance to try it for themselves - can you tell which is human and which is machine?
Includes a brief introduction to the field of artificial intelligence, with no mathematical background required

Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN: 1107056381
Posted on: 1/20/2017
Format: Pdf
Page Count: 202 Pages
Author: Kevin Warwick,: Huma Shah,

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