Intraoperative MRIGuided Neurosurgery 1st Edition


Comprehensive in scope and packed with practical information, Intraoperative MR-Guided Neurosurgery contains detailed coverage of this state-of-the-art technology from the pioneers who developed it. Renowned neurosurgeons and neuroradiologists combine their collective wisdom and experience to demonstrate how MR-guided neuronavigation can be used to view real-time images of a patient's brain during surgery to help remove tumors with greater precision.
The authors provide step-by-step descriptions of how to perform procedures, including advice based on their clinical results. Readers will learn about the advantages and drawbacks of the various MR imaging systems, clinical indications for MR-guidance, anesthesia considerations, safety concerns related to working in a magnetic environment, and much more.

In-depth coverage of all MR imaging systems helps
readers to make informed choices about which technique will best suit their
surgical needs
Guidelines on the most appropriate imaging sequences
for the resection of different types of brain tumors
More than 200 high-quality intraoperative photographs
taken during actual procedures to orient readers who want to use MRI in the
operating room
Tips from the experts on safety issues, suitable
magnet designs and field strengths, cost and benefit analysis, room design,
equipment, and logistics
Discussion of other forms of technology that have been
combined with intraoperative MR-guidance, such as focused ultrasound,
neurosurgical robotics, and other promising innovations

This leading-edge text has everything that neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists, and interventionalists need to know to implement an intraoperative MR-guided neurosurgery program.

Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN: 160406305X
Posted on: 2/22/2017
Format: Pdf
Page Count: 272 Pages
Author: Walter Hall,: Christopher Nimsky,

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